Accepting Share Certificates
The share certificates available through Primary Financial’s SimpliCD program are issued by federally insured credit unions with Primary Financial acting as custodian for the investor. A federally insured credit union can be a federally chartered credit union or a state chartered credit union. Federally chartered credit unions are regulated by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), while a state-chartered credit union is usually regulated by the state supervisory authority where the credit union's main office is located.
Per NCUA Regulation §701.32, a federally chartered credit union may, to the extent permitted under Section 107(6) of the Act, receive payments on shares, (regular shares, share certificates, and share draft accounts) from public units and political subdivisions thereof (as those terms are defined in §745.1) and nonmember credit unions, and to the extent permitted under the Act, this section and §701.34, receive payments on shares (regular shares, share certificates, and share draft accounts) from other nonmembers.
(b) Limitations—(1) Aggregate limit on public unit and nonmember shares. Except as permitted under paragraph (c) of this section, a federal credit union may not receive public unit and nonmember shares in excess of the greater of:
(i) 50 percent of the net amount of paid-in and unimpaired capital and surplus less any public unit and nonmember shares, as measured at the time of acceptance of each public unit or nonmember share (i.e.,
(ii) $3 million.
(2) Required due diligence. Before receiving public unit or nonmember shares that, taken together with any borrowings, exceed 70 percent of paid-in and unimpaired capital and surplus, the board of directors must adopt a specific written plan concerning the intended use of these funds that is consistent with prudent risk management principles.
Regulation §701.32, in its entirety, can be read through the following link here.
Low Income Designated Credit Unions - Moreover, an FCU that predominantly serves low-income members may receive payment on shares from any source regardless of membership. For more information about LID credit unions please click here.
Regulations for state chartered credit unions vary by state, but many adopt the federal guidelines. Primary Financial has general guidelines available for many states, but in the end, we recommend that state chartered credit unions contact their state supervisory authority to verify the acceptance of these deposits.
Get Started
Complete and sign the Certificate Regarding Credit Union's Acceptance of Deposits from Primary Financial Co LLC and email a copy to or your corporate.
Work with our trading desk to develop the terms of issuance.
Make your offerings available to a nationwide market of investors the same day.